When Do Babies Get a Delayed Reaction to Amoxicillian

J Med Instance Rep. 2016; x: 10.

Immediate and not-immediate allergic reactions to amoxicillin nowadays a diagnostic dilemma: a case serial

Caroline Weisser

Division of Pediatrics, Department of Pediatrics, Janeway Children's Hospital, St. John's, Newfoundland Canada

Moshe Ben-Shoshan

Sectionalisation of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, Department of Pediatrics, Montreal Children'south Hospital, Montreal, Quebec Canada

Received 2015 Feb 19; Accepted 2016 Jan iv.



Allergic reactions to amoxicillin are very mutual occurrences in the pediatric age grouping; however, onset of symptoms can nowadays a diagnostic dilemma.

Instance presentation

We present a case serial that describes 3 children (viii-year-old white daughter, two-year-old white boy and 14-month-old Chinese boy) who presented with varied onset of allergic reactions to amoxicillin, specifically immediate (inside the first hour after exposure) and non-immediate onset. One child developed immediate onset allergy to oral challenge with amoxicillin although his clinical history was evident for non-firsthand onset allergy to amoxicillin. He was the simply case that had a positive peel examination to penicillin. Two other children presented with reactions toward the end of their treatment course of amoxicillin, yet ane patient developed immediate onset allergy while the other patient developed non-firsthand onset allergy after challenge.


This instance serial demonstrates diagnostic challenges facing physicians assessing allergic reactions to amoxicillin. As onset of reactions tin can dictate severity and pathogenic type of allergy, a thorough clinical history and subsequent appropriate diagnostic testing including medication claiming tin assistance establish the diagnosis.

Keywords: Allergic reactions, Amoxicillin, Oral drug claiming


Amoxicillin is a usually prescribed antibiotic for treatment of community-acquired bacterial infections in children [1]. Given that information technology is a first-line treatment for otitis media and sinusitis, and given the high frequency of viral-induced exanthemas including hives in this age grouping [2, 3], it is non surprising that rashes developing during the course of amoxicillin treatment are frequently reported [1, 4]. Furthermore, up to seventy % of patients receiving amoxicillin during viral infections, particularly Epstein–Barr virus, are reported to develop a self-limiting maculopapular rash [5]. The estimated incidence of allergy to amoxicillin ranges from 1 to 10 % [ii, iv, 6]. Yet, many cases are diagnosed as allergic reactions without performing appropriate diagnostic tests [1]. A detailed clinical history needs to business relationship for viral exanthemas in the differential diagnosis although the distinction according to history is oftentimes challenging.

True allergic reactions to amoxicillin are mediated by the immune system and are classified into immediate (developing within 30 to sixty minutes of drug ingestion) or non-immediate (across 1 hour of ingestion) type reactions [6, 7]. Immediate reactions may range in severity from eruptions limited to the skin (hives/angioedema) to reactions involving more than one organ system or hypotension (that is, anaphylaxis) [7]. The risk of fatal anaphylaxis with amoxicillin is non well documented, although the hazard with penicillin is estimated at 1 in 100,000 [1]. Non-immediate reactions occur more than 1 hour afterward ingestion of antibody and usually last several days [ane]. For the well-nigh part, they are mild, cocky-resolving maculopapular exanthemas or hives [ane, 7]. Rarely, non-firsthand reactions may present with exfoliative dermatitis, acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis (AGEP), Stevens–Johnson syndrome (SJS), toxic epidermal necrolysis (Ten) and drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms (Wearing apparel) [6, eight].

Diagnostic confirmation is done by intradermal testing, in vitro testing or oral challenges to the antibiotic in question and the corresponding antibiotic family [iv]. Drug challenges are considered to exist the gold standard in establishing a definitive diagnosis of an allergic reaction to drugs [iv, 6, 9]. In these cases, the challenge is begun with ane 100th to i tenth of the therapeutic dose and if tolerated over 20 minutes, followed past a full dose with an observation menstruum of 1 60 minutes [6]. Amid diagnostic procedures used to ostend the presence of amoxicillin allergy, the oral challenge is considered to have the highest sensitivity although fake negative cases and cases of re-sensitization have been described; and i week challenges have been suggested to increase sensitivity [x, 11].

It is crucial to differentiate between immediate and non-immediate reactions given their different pathogenic mechanisms and management [6]. The immediate reactions are considered to be immunoglobulin E (IgE)-mediated responses and non-immediate reactions are thought to be T cell mediated [half-dozen, seven]. Unfortunately, the pathogenesis of allergic reactions to antibiotics in general and amoxicillin in particular is not well characterized; in addition to IgE and T cell-mediated mechanisms it has been suggested that certain antibiotics tin can bind non-covalently to antigen-interacting structures, such every bit the T cell receptor or major histocompatibility complex, and crusade a directly stimulation of the immune response. The term p-i concept (or pharmacological interaction with immune receptors) has been coined for the latter [12]. Antibiotics are small-scale-sized molecules that are assumed to be non-immunogenic, and hence numerous hypotheses have been advanced to account for their ability to activate the immune arrangement [13]. It has been suggested that antibiotics have an power to form conjugates to larger carrier proteins in serum or intracellular space (the hapten hypothesis) that are processed and somewhen presented to T lymphocytes [half-dozen]. Others suggested that sure antibiotics can bind non-covalently to antigen-interacting structures such as the T prison cell receptor or major histocompatibility complex, and cause a direct stimulation of the immune response [13]. Given that firsthand reactions are considered IgE mediated and may progress to a life-threatening reaction while most non-immediate reactions are considered non-IgE mediated and hence not life threatening, information technology is important to make the distinction between these two reactions. All immediate reactions should be treated by complete avoidance and in the instance of need, drug desensitization [7, 14, fifteen]. All the same, studies suggest in the latter, future utilize of the antibiotic is non an absolute contraindication [16]. It is possible that in case 3 the firsthand reaction to challenge was not IgE mediated, but rather an accelerated T cell-mediated reaction; however, the pathogenic mechanisms could not be elucidated at this point and hence strict avoidance was advised.

As the onset of not-immediate allergic reactions is varied and the pathogenesis itself is poorly understood, antibiotic reactions are difficult to diagnose even when a detailed clinical history is evident. We present a case series that describes three children who presented with firsthand and non-immediate reactions to amoxicillin (Table ane). These cases demonstrate the challenges associated with the diagnosis and management of amoxicillin-related exanthemas.

Table one

Clinical characteristics and diagnostic test results of cases one to iii

Case Clinical history Oral claiming Pare test: Pre-Pen® (benzylpenicilloyl polylysine)
1 8-year-onetime white daughter Treated for simple pneumoniaa Immediate reaction: seventh day of treatment, xv minutes after ingestion Immediate reaction: twenty minutes subsequently ingestion of full dose Northward/A
two ii-twelvemonth-old white male child Treated for uncomplicated otitis mediaa Not-firsthand reaction: eighth twenty-four hours of treatment, rash noticed in the morning time afterward he woke up Not-immediate reaction: 18 hours postal service-ingestion of full dose Northward/A
3 14-month-onetime Chinese boy Treated for otitis mediaa Non-immediate reaction: third day of treatment, rash noticed after he awoke from sleep, prior to forenoon dose Immediate reaction: fifteen minutes post-ingestion of initial dose Positive eight×xvi mm (wheal/erythema)

aAll cases were beingness treated with amoxicillin, weight-based dose. N/A not applicable

Case presentation

Case i – Immediate reaction

A good for you eight-year-sometime white girl was receiving a standard dose of oral amoxicillin for an uncomplicated pneumonia. On the seventh 24-hour interval of handling, 15 minutes post-obit her morning dose of amoxicillin, she developed pruritic erythematous plaques that progressed all over her body over the grade of the day. There were no systemic signs of anaphylaxis. Amoxicillin was discontinued the aforementioned mean solar day. The rash resolved after 7 days. It is not known whether this was her first exposure to amoxicillin. She has avoided amoxicillin since then. An intradermal exam with Pre-Pen® (benzylpenicilloyl polylysine) was negative. Iii months later, she underwent an oral challenge for amoxicillin at our allergy dispensary. The oral challenge was positive as she developed hives xx minutes following ingestion of the full dose (Fig.1). No other symptoms occurred and the hives resolved subsequently a few hours with no treatment. She was diagnosed with immediate allergy to amoxicillin and brash to avoid amoxicillin and all penicillin family antibiotics.

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Hives developed on mid-back and right forearm xx minutes following ingestion of full dose of amoxicillin

Case two – Non-immediate reaction

A healthy ii-yr-onetime white boy was receiving a standard dose of oral amoxicillin for an uncomplicated otitis media. On the 8th twenty-four hours of treatment, he developed a maculopapular rash (Fig.2a) that coalesced to form big raised plaques. The rash was noticed in the morning past parents when he woke up. He was assessed in the emergency room at the local children'south infirmary and treated symptomatically with Benadryl (diphenhydramine). His rash lasted 3 to 4 days. He has not taken amoxicillin since then. One month later, he presented at an allergy clinic for an oral challenge to amoxicillin. He was given 1 tenth of his weight-based dose, observed for 20 minutes and then received the full dose. He had no reactions initially, but approximately 18 hours later he developed non-pruritic erythematous plaques on his face, thighs and artillery (Fig.2b). There were no systemic signs of anaphylaxis. He was given a diagnosis of non-firsthand allergy to amoxicillin and advised to avoid amoxicillin and all penicillin family unit antibiotics.

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a. Erythematous maculopapular rash that coalesced to form big raised plaques developed on day 8 of handling with amoxicillin. b. Erythematous plaques developed on his face, back, thighs and arms 18 hours following oral claiming to amoxicillin

Case iii – Firsthand and non-immediate reactions

A healthy 14-month-old Chinese male child presented with hives on the 3rd twenty-four hour period of amoxicillin handling for otitis media presently after he woke up from his sleep and prior to his morning dose (Fig.3a). In that location were no systemic signs of anaphylaxis. His rash resolved after 2 to 3 days. One month afterward, he presented at an allergy clinic for an oral challenge to amoxicillin. The oral challenge was positive because he adult hives xv minutes (Fig.3b) post-obit ingestion of one tenth of his weight-based dose of amoxicillin. An intradermal test with Pre-Pen® (benzylpenicilloyl polylysine) was positive (Fig.3c). He was given a diagnosis of immediate allergy to amoxicillin and advised to avoid amoxicillin and all penicillin family unit antibiotics.

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a. Hives developed throughout his body on mean solar day three of treatment with amoxicillin. b. Hives developed 15 minutes following ingestion of one tenth of weight-based dose of amoxicillin. c. Results of intradermal testing showing wheal size of 8×16 mm (wheal/erythema)


This case series demonstrates the dilemma in diagnosing firsthand versus non-immediate onset allergy to amoxicillin. Our cases demonstrate that children with immediate or not-firsthand allergic reactions to amoxicillin may have similar clinical histories. Thus drug challenges may provide a relatively safe and efficient strategy to constitute diagnosis in these cases.

Allergic reactions are generally categorized as firsthand or not-immediate onset type, with the latter beingness more frequent [2]. Ponvert et al. and Zambonino et al. reported that 88 % and 92 % of healthy children were diagnosed with non-immediate allergy following reaction to amoxicillin while 12 % and 8 % were given a diagnosis of immediate allergy to amoxicillin [17, 18]. The authors further demonstrated that children with a likelihood of beta-lactam allergy were more likely to feel early onset and greater severity of disease [17]. Case iii exemplifies the disparity betwixt a clinical history suggesting a non-firsthand onset allergy to amoxicillin and the oral challenge and subsequent intradermal testing establishing the presence of an immediate allergy. Cases one and 2 both reacted very belatedly in the grade of their amoxicillin handling (day vii and 8 respectively), even so example ane developed immediate onset allergy and case two developed non-immediate onset allergy. This demonstrates the variability witnessed in allergic reactions to amoxicillin and potential for diagnostic dilemma without a thorough clinical history and subsequent challenge.

Of involvement, no study has researched the likelihood of presenting with non-immediate onset allergy and subsequent positive diagnosis of immediate onset allergy during drug provocation testing. Given that non-immediate reactions are thought to be T jail cell-mediated responses [half-dozen, 7], in that location are two plausible explanations for the immediate allergy during drug provocation testing in example 3. It is possible that the patient'south allowed system developed an IgE-mediated response following the previous not-immediate response. The more plausible explanation could simply be that the parents have failed to notice initial immediate symptoms related to amoxicillin ingestion and hence reported a late occurring reaction.

Finally, our instance series demonstrates the limited utility of skin testing in the diagnosis of firsthand and not-immediate reactions. This is in keeping with other studies suggesting that although many antibiotics are suspected culprits of immediate reactions, pare tests are either not validated, have a loftier false-negative rate or are merely not available. For non-immediate reactions, pare tests are even less useful given their loftier false-negative/positive results [vi, 13].


Although many infections are viral in nature, amoxicillin is a commonly prescribed antibody that may trigger immediate and non-firsthand allergic reactions in the pediatric age group [ane, 4]. Diagnosis of drug allergy can be challenging and an oral challenge may be crucial in establishing the diagnosis. Future studies assessing the sensitivity and specificity of new diagnostic strategies to establish the presence of firsthand or non-immediate reactions are required to better manage these patients.


Written informed consent was obtained from the patients' legal guardians for publication of this case written report and whatever accompanying images. A re-create of the written consents is available for review by the Editor-in-Chief of this journal.


Competing interests

The authors declare that they accept no competing interests.

Authors' contributions

MBS read and canonical the concluding manuscript. Both authors read and canonical the final manuscript.

Correspondent Information

Caroline Weisser, ac.awattou@060siewc.

Moshe Ben-Shoshan, moc.liamg@nahsohsnebehsom.


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Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4717649/

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