How Are the Goal Bar Seats at the Prudential Center for Family Events/

In 2015 the UN General Assembly passed the Agenda 2030 with the 17 goals for sustainable evolution: The UN Sustainable Evolution Goals, likewise known as SDGs for curt. In this fashion, the international community expresses its confidence that global challenges can just exist solved together.

So the global economic progress, for case through the rapid digitization and industrialization, be brought in line with social justice and ecological limits. A milestone in the contempo history of the Un. Because the 2030 Agenda applies to all countries in the earth. Developing countries, emerging economies and industrialized countries: anybody must do their part.

What are the 17 United nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)?

The 17 Sustainable Evolution Goals (SDGs) take into account all three dimensions of sustainability - social, Surround, Economy - akin. They are indivisible and are mutually dependent. They are preceded by five core messages as the guiding principles for action: Human being, planet, prosperity, peace and partnership. Therefore 1 speaks of the "5 Ps": People, Planet, Prosperity, Peace, Partnership.

17 UN Sustainable Development Goals, Agenda 2030 goals

Source: Federal Regime

Global Survey measures the level of sensation of the SDGs today

A lot has happened since the adoption - but what of information technology do people notice? And what moves you when it comes to sustainability? For the offset time, these questions were the focus of a global survey, the "Global Survey on Sustainability and the SDGs" (Global Survey). The Global Survey asked 27.000 participants from 174 countries most their opinions and expectations on the topic of sustainability and the SDGs.

The global average level of awareness of the SDGs is almost 50%

According to the Global Survey, the average awareness of the SDGs in the European Wedlock is 56% and in Federal republic of germany 46%. However, the actual level of knowledge is likely to be significantly lower, as indicated by the level of sensation within the study of only 37%. "The most important mensurate to increase awareness and noesis within order is to ensure more communication," says Joachim Schlange, head of the study and managing director at the consultancy Schlange & Co. (South&C), which specializes in sustainability.

"On the one paw through the media and on the other hand also through the government. Since the goals of the SDGs are very abstract, it is important to put them in a language that is understandable for ordinary people. By making the goals comprehensible, it is possible to start directly with the citizen. The fact that the goals are communicated powerfully in understandable language actually creates sensation. "

Order predominantly associates sustainability and climate protection with the SDGs, but many other aspects are also hidden backside them

Whereas the term and the meaning of "sustainability" are now well known, this is unfortunately non the case with regard to the SDGs. Only a pocket-size proportion of the respondents are familiar with the SDGs and know what they mean, says Joachim Schlange. According to the report, climate protection (SDG xiii) is the most frequently cited SDG of personal interest, followed past health and wellbeing (SDG 3) and quality educational activity (SDG 4).

Young people up to the historic period of 29 rate climate protection measures every bit the highest priority. People between 30-49 years of age prioritize wellness and well-existence, quality didactics, and responsible consumption and product patterns (SDG 12). Joachim Schlange explains that climate protection and sustainability are more tangible aspects than hunger, for example: "This results in an uncontrollable sequence of which topics are associated with the SDGs. Ane topic that is not at the top of the order, simply is enormously important, is life nether h2o, for case. "

In emerging countries such as Africa, on the other manus, education (SDG 4), poverty (SDG 1) and hunger (SDG 2) are mentioned as peculiarly important social issues, which even rank above climate protection measures (SDG 13).

The 6 about frequently cited SDGs worldwide are in this order:

  1. Climate protection measures - SDG 13
  2. Health and Wellbeing - SDG iii
  3. Quality Educational activity - SDG4
  4. Life on Land - SDG 15
  5. Clean water and sanitation - SDG half dozen
  6. Responsible consumption and production patterns - SDG 12

Personal importance of the SDGs by region (in percent)


Source: Global Survey

The goals of the SDGs can and must also exist supported by gild

Joachim Schlange explains that communication through the media and country institutions would play the leading role in back up from society: "Measures such as Boob tube campaigns, flyers, communication or sponsoring by celebrities must be used strategically in order to brand sustainability office of everyday life. "

In general, civil social club should be more informed. How can sustainable action be integrated into everyday routines? This includes information on how, for instance, plastic-free is traded or how new purchasing decisions that are environmentally friendly can be fabricated. "It is important that this not merely happens through a media or land body. The retail sector itself should also provide specific information on the extent to which consumption can be made more sustainable. In addition, sustainability must be integrated more intensively into the curriculum. "

The proven successes of the SDGs are hard to measure, nonetheless many companies are seeing them

"The successes of companies can be seen in the sustainability reports that more and more companies publish at regular intervals, such every bit Unilever," says Joachim Schlange. Another success is the increasing social tendency to actually go involved in sustainability and to take action to fight injustice.

This testifies to a greater awareness of the topics communicated in the SDGs and thus of the will to promote positive change. In view of the fact that private individuals contribute significantly to the problems of sustainability in their everyday life, efforts should be made to raise sufficient sensation of the individual and promote responsible behavior.



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